On to the 7th Floor!
Jacob Superintendent Dan Jeffcoat (left) and Project Manager Kimberly Welbaum, LEED AP (right) on the 4th floor a couple weeks ago. Early morning concrete starts arriving @ 4 am most days. Lots of 12,000 psi concrete supports this behemoth of a building. Project Executive/VP Rob Ohl, and project engineers, Pavan Teja Thirumuru and Jose Morales round out the core onsite staff for Jacob Construction.
Like the Jeffersons "we're moving on up". Averaging one floor a week vertical rise, the project is moving at a steady pace, also dealing with two October hurricanes, back to back. The site has iron workers, cement/form workers, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians all working in harmony, many days with over 100 workers on site.
Shout out to Behar Font Partners, PA, Thornton Tomasetti, EFCO Forming & Shoring and the Moore Group among partners and working peers.